Saturday, February 3, 2007

Prahladananda Swami Class

This Morning HH Prahladananda Swami gave Bhagavatam Class. The verse was Sb 6.9.11
This is from the sixth canto about Vitrasura. This is specifically
the verse that was mis-chanted and caused the doom of Lord Indra.
Maharaja spoke about the importance in by gone ages of proper chanting. How in order to show a persons qualification for chanting mantras he must be able to start a fire by only chanting mantra. He also explained that if you didn't chant the mantra correctly you may be set on fire! YIKES!

Then Maharaja explained that in this age things are different otherwise when we chant the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra we would be in big trouble. he said that in the morning when all of the devotees are chanting together - you would see lots of little piles of ashes due to so many devotees falling asleep while chanting! :)

In this age the process is simple because we are not so spiritually advanced.

Just chant:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

and .................... Be Happy.


James said...

It is bewildering to think that humans could have been so spiritually in tune so long ago. I find myself wondering how we could have been so focused and not grown into so much more. I also wonder if one with enough devotion and balance could attain such a discipline. I imagine he/she would not risk falling into a slumber while chanting.

Jai Nitai dasa said...

These things are bewildering because we have been induced to see things only from one perspective. there are still to this day very advanced souls who perform amazing feets with intense levels of faith and mind control.

As far as falling asleep is concerned - well that is down to our own lack of faith and mind control - coupled with age of degredation that we live in. Spiritual life is not easy now - so our efforts are graded on a curve - if you know what that means.

Thank you for writing James. I appreciate your enquiry. I know things are not easy to imagine but many things happen everyday that we can hardly believe.

Sonitra Sue Singh said...

We already miss you so much!Thank you for this website,it helps us keep in touch with your energy and get to share in with your most precious experiences.I find it bewildering too James! A spiritual friend once told me that when we get very sleepy during spiritual talks , it means the body/ mind is recalibrating the new information .It is like playing join the dots. The body joins the dots of all the disjointed segments in order to make us whole again.Since we are all at different levels of callibration we all respond diffrently to the new information. What are your thoughts on this?

James said...

Sonitra Sue Singh,
I find your spiritual friend's explanation to be reasonable. Our bodies are in a constant state of change and our physical bodies are strongly influenced by our emotions and state of mind. Experiences and new knowledge do change us and to think that we do not need to recover from this would be foolish. When we decide to recover is a totally different issue though. Thank you for asking, I enjoy sharing my opinions even though they are highly subjective.

Jai Nitai dasa said...

Thank you Sonitra and James for your input.

James I am impressed and inspired by your comments. I can't wait to see you and talk in person when I get to the USA.

Hare Krishna

Sonitra Sue Singh said...

Thank you James! Very impressive explanation!

Ashley said...

Hey Cousin! Its your other cousin Ashley. How are things??? Your website is amazing, I'am so happy that you have created this so we can see what you are up to. All of this stuff seems to interesting!