Sunday, May 27, 2007

Good Dog vs Bad Dog - Session Four

It is explained that at one point in time the divine and demoniac lived in seperate universes. Later they lived on seperate planets in the same universe. Then eventually on the same planet, in the same town, in the same household and NOW - within the same body.

The Sixteenth Chapter of Bhagavad-git explains these tendencies very clearly. It is not a great mystery. We all experience these battles - do we not? Please don't tell me I am the only one.

I suggest you read the first few entries in this chapter and then explore within which train of thought you want to follow.

A nice analogy about trains of thought coming soon from a lecture given this morning by HH Kesava Bharati Maharaja.


Madhava Gosh said...

Where si the citation on that divine and demoniac sharing quote? I know it is common ISKCON lore, but I have not been able to see it written anywhere.

Ekendra Dasa said...

Jaya Nitai!!!!!

Typing your name is not quite as ecstatic as saying it really loud - but still nice.

Hope all is well with you. Gopala and Douji are ever-blissful. They are about to go for their weekly pilgrimage to the temple. I worship them every Monday along with the temple silas.

You're always welcome to have a look (photo gallery is there too):

ys, ekendra das